Cambridge Deadbolt Lock Installation
Cambridge Locksmith 647-866-0956
Cambridge Deadbolt Lock Installation
A deadbolt is a special kind of lock. These locks are far more secure than the old locks with keys. This is because the weight of these locks is more than a normal one and it takes time for the burglars to break in.
A deadbolt is not like a spring bolt which can be easily opened, a dead bolt does not open unless the lock cylinder is rotated.
A slight variant of the standard deadbolt is the vertical deadbolt. The vertical deadbolt generally rests on top of a door. Vertical deadbolts avoid insertion of pry bars between the door and the frame and hence are safer.
The common types of a deadbolt lock are:
- Single Cylinder
- Double Cylinder
- Single Cylinder with removable thumb turn
Many designs are available from manufacturers.
Different manufactures have various designs which offer solution to defend the lock from being picked or opened with force or any other method. However, most manufacturers offer product lines of deadbolts that promise higher levels of resistance to break and entry and defeating than other product lines by the same manufacturer
For a deadbolt installation, a locksmith will charge about $125. You yourself can buy and install one for only about $35. Given that the exterior door is made of wood, then deadbolt can be installed quite easily. In case you have a steel or fiberglass door, hire a locksmith to do the job. This is because machines such as takes heavy-duty drills and bits are used to cut into these tougher materials.
Deadbolt installation involves the drilling of two holes in the door. One hole goes in the edge of the door which receives the lock assembly. The other hole goes in the face of the door. This hole accommodates the lock cylinder. Deadbolt installation then involves drilling another hole in the door jamb which is for the strike plate. The deadbolt lock” comes with paper templates. You tape these templates to the door and the jamb which aligns the holes correctly. Finally, the lock mechanisms are assembled the door and the strike plate is screwed to the jamb, often using extra-long screws.
While installing a deadbolt lock always ask about getting a new deadbolt which can be keyed to exactly match your existing entry lock. A bonded locksmith can do this. He will require you to provide a copy of the existing key. In some cases, it may also be more practical to replace the entry lockset at the time of installation of the deadbolt with a model that is compatible with the deadbolt.
Many communities forbid the use of double-keyed deadbolts. This is because there is a key instead of having a latch on the inside. In case of a fire, a panicked victim might be unable to unlock the door if the key to the door is missing. In case you have a glass panel in your door and you want to increase security, you can instead use laminated safety glass. You can also use polycarbonate plastic.